Australian Student Visa Refused – What’s Next?

Your dream to study in Australia, earn a quality education and live up to your highest potential after graduation is admirable. However, each year we see more Australian Student Visas refused than in previous years. This is because the requirements to gain a visa to Australia are becoming more strict. Are you feeling helpless after getting your Australian Student Visa refused? Do you feel like you’ve wasted 582 AUD on a visa application? Did your education provider refuse your re-application?

In this blog, we share with you what to do after having your Australian Student Visa refused. First, it’s important to understand why your visa application was refused.

Reasons you had your Australian Student Visa refused:

  1. A poorly written GTE Statement. Common mistakes could include not providing a strong reason to return to your home country (read more), choosing courses that can be found online (read more), and sporadic educational history (read more)
  2. You did not meet the living cost criteria
  3. Your long unemployment history or long education break
  4. You did not provide enough course details
  5. Your motives in Australia were questionable
  6. You included false or fraudulent documentation

So, now that you know why your student visa was refused, it’s time to find out what you can do next. If you aren’t giving up on your study dreams because you had your first Australian Student Visa refused, here is what you can do.

Actions you can take if you are offshore:

  1. Enrol in a course with a new education provider. Just because your current education provider refused your re-application doesn’t mean a new school won’t accept you. Just be sure that you choose a course that is in the same field as your first application. Example: Don’t enrol in a fitness course if you have previously applied for business courses. If you need help finding new courses, contact us and we will put you in touch with a certified education agent that can help.
  2. Get a professionally written GTE Statement. After you have your first Australian Student Visa refused, you now have a higher chance of refusal the second time. Don’t waste your time and money by writing your own GTE Statement. Get in touch with us for a 100% guaranteed Australian Student Visa.
  3. Enrol in a short education course in your own country. This will show the Australian Immigration Office that you will not give up on your dream because you had your Australian Student Visa refused. Typically, once you display a high interest in studying in a specific field, your Australian Student Visa will be granted.

Actions you can take if you are onshore in Australia:

  1. Administrative Appeal Tribunal, or AAT. If you didn’t make any of the mistakes above but still had your Australian Student Visa refused, contact AAT. AAT is an independent review agency for decisions made by the Australian Government. Although your appeal may take up to a year to reach a decision, it can buy you valuable time to stay in Australia.

If you are interested in the appeals process consider using our Appeal Letter Service. 

Don’t risk applying for your second Australian Student Visa alone. Instead, you can use our professional Experts to help you with  Australian Student Visa.

About the Author

How We Can Help You

Writing service

We have developed an innovative and highly effective format for crafting a Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE) statement that guarantees success.

Student Visa
Application service

Success in obtaining a visa depends on the strength of your individual case, the quality of your GTE statement, and the supporting documents you provide.

Visa Refusal

We have successfully assisted over 90% of visa applicants who were previously refused, including assistance with the AAT application process.

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